Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones

Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones
Thumbnail Image of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 StonesThumbnail Image #2 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones Thumbnail Image #3 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones Thumbnail Image #4 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones Thumbnail Image #5 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones Thumbnail Image #6 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones Thumbnail Image #7 of Let's Investigate - Seashore - Set of 8 Stones
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 300185
Cost: $32.95

Ages 2 years & up. Be transported to the ocean with these beautifully tactile stones that reflect the natural treasures children might discover at the seashore! Designed for outdoor learning and investigative play, the stones are robust for lots of outside adventures! Made from a unique stone mix, they are durable enough to be used in water, dirt, mud and clay, and are easily cleaned. Perfect for outdoor discoveries, compare with the real things, make imprints in dough or sand, and make rubbings using wax crayons. Set contains eight stones; a shell, crab, jellyfish, lobster, nautilus shell, seaweed, starfish and whelk shell. Stones measure approximately 2.25".