Neighborhood Friends - 8 Pieces

Neighborhood Friends - 8 Pieces
Thumbnail Image of Neighborhood Friends - 8 PiecesThumbnail Image #2 of Neighborhood Friends - 8 Pieces Thumbnail Image #3 of Neighborhood Friends - 8 Pieces Thumbnail Image #4 of Neighborhood Friends - 8 Pieces
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 30872
Cost: $24.95

18 months & up. These six friends ready to go on adventures along with the neighborhood's dog and cat! These figures in brightly colored clothing are great for role-playing activities and developing oral language skills. Encourage dramatic play and fine motor functions with this easy to grip set of neighborhood friends. Use these figures in a lesson about the importance of diversity, friendship, and getting along. Each friend measures 2.75" tall and twists at the waist. 8 pieces.
Neighborhood Friends Set: 8 Easy-Grip Figures for Dramatic Play, Role-Playing, and Language Skills