LAP™ Horse Illustration Pad
LAP™ Horse Illustration Pad
The Learning Accomplishment Profile Third Edition
The Learning Accomplishment Profile - Third Edition (LAP-3) is a criterion-referenced assessment instrument for the 36-72 month age range, measuring development in the domains of gross motor, fine motor, pre-writing, cognitive, language, self-help, and personal/social. It is a re-examination of the contents and organization of the LAP-R which incorporates recent research, especially related to language and literacy and assimilates recent changes in the general population of young children. Its on-going observation format allows teachers and/or clinicians to record a child's progress and introduce appropriate activities to support acquired and emerging skills.
LAP-3 Features
- Replaces the LAP-R as an on-going assessment that meets Head Start performance standards
- Building on 35 years of research and knowledge
- Incorporates most recent findings in early childhood practices (most recent research in 2003)
- Covers 7 domains - Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Pre-writing, Cognitive, Language, Self-Help and Personal/Social
- Measures progress in children 36-72 months of age
- Technology that features Palm Pilots and CD-ROM/Web scoring