Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 Pieces

Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 Pieces
Thumbnail Image of Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 PiecesThumbnail Image #2 of Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 Pieces Thumbnail Image #3 of Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 Pieces Thumbnail Image #4 of Super Shark Teeth Set - 40 Pieces
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 300586
Cost: $99.95

3 years & up. Encourage exploration and discovery with this authentic set of replica Super Shark Teeth. Providing childing with replica shark teeth allows them to touch, examine and compare the size, shape and texture of different teeth. Inspire imaginative play as children pretend to excavate fossils or marine biologist studying sharks, encouraging creativity, storytelling, and role-playing skills. Designed for children, this 40-piece set features a variety of sized teeth from a range of shark species. Use during loose parts play and in conjunction with relevant science lessons to spark a desire for deeper learning.

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