Red: A Crayon's Story - Hardcover

Red: A Crayon's Story - Hardcover
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Status: In Stock
Product ID: 35818
Cost: $18.99

4 - 8 years. Red has a bright red label, but he is, in fact, blue. His teacher tries to help him be red (let's draw strawberries!), his mother tries to help him be red by sending him out on a playdate with a yellow classmate (go draw a nice orange!), and the scissors try to help him be red by snipping his label so that he has room to breathe. But Red is miserable. He just can't be red, no matter how hard he tries! Finally, a brand-new friend offers a brand-new perspective, and Red discovers what readers have known all along. He's blue! Funny, insightful, layered, and colorful, this picture book is about being true to your inner self and following your own path. Hardcover. 40 pages.