Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White

Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White
Thumbnail Image of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - WhiteThumbnail Image #2 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White Thumbnail Image #3 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White Thumbnail Image #4 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White Thumbnail Image #5 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White Thumbnail Image #6 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White Thumbnail Image #7 of Time Timer® Plus 60-Minute - White
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 300792
Cost: $51.95

Whether at home or at school, your little learner will easily transition throughout the day with the Time Timer Plus. This large visual timer will help children anticipate and understand transitions while empowering them to manage their own time. It will also improve their focus because its colored dial shows "how much longer" they have when they complete a task or group activities.
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