Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece Set

Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece Set
Thumbnail Image of Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece SetThumbnail Image #2 of Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece Set Thumbnail Image #3 of Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece Set Thumbnail Image #4 of Baby's Shake, Rattle & Chew - 5 Piece Set
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 300480
Cost: $28.95

4 months & up. A set of five, brightly colored, chunky rattles easy for little hands to hold. Each rattle is unique and does different things to help keep babies interested. Whether baby is chewing on the teether, watching the rings move, or feeling the different textures, this set will foster tactile exploration and enhance brain activity. The soft, textured surfaces encourage mouthing, aiding in the development of communication skills. The gentle rattle sounds develop sound location skills.