Picoo - Set of 12

Picoo - Set of 12
Thumbnail Image of Picoo - Set of 12Thumbnail Image #2 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #3 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #4 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #5 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #6 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #7 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #8 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #9 of Picoo - Set of 12 Thumbnail Image #10 of Picoo - Set of 12
Status: In Stock
Product ID: 300528
Cost: $2,399.95

Check out our feature page: Picoo

Designed for ages 4 years & up. Welcome to Picoo, a gaming console for multiple players with no screen time!

Piccos are hand-held controllers you can play with indoors or out. Picoo is unique in that it promotes physical activity and social interaction among children. And best of all, there is no screen.

Picoo takes classic childhood games and gives them a modern twist. Each controller has lights, sounds, and vibrations. Picoo simplifies classroom management by choosing teams for you, facilitating game play and duration with sounds and lights in the controllers.

With Picoo you can increase working memory, number sense, encourage social-emotional learning, differentiate groups, and decrease summer slide. The Picoo helps children focus on the task while using gross motor skills and critical thinking skills

The Picoo is perfect for schools, gym classes, afterschool, and individuals who love having fun while learning. The best thing is, Picoo is not just for kids! Enjoy using Picoo to mingle at your next staff meeting, Lunch and Learn or Curriculum Night

So tighten your hand-held wrist strap, scan a game card and enjoy all Picoo has to offer!

What's in the kit?

  • 12 durable controllers with wrist straps
  • Carrying Case
  • Charging Station to charge all controllers at once
  • 15 Games with instructions
  • Instruction booklet
  • 12 Helper Cards
  • 24 Smartsleeves for creating your own content

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